Get rid of the real app from Google Camera and pickups like Dual DSLR
Get rid of the real app from Google Camera and pickups like Dual DSLR
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Seeing the title above, I'm going to discuss what is going on today. Today, you have appeared in a great app with the Google Camera app. You may know that the app is not a playstore.So this google camera app is not getting any real time. I will give you a real app link today. With this camera help you can pick up a DSLR-like pickup. The DSLR pickup is the background behind the blur and DSLR comes in clear. This pickup will come up in this goole camera app.So let's come to work without talking too much.
Follow The Screenshots
👉This app will not get you the playstore. It gives the following link in the following three versions of the phone. Download it.
Then the app can open the App as soon as you want. Allow it, then after the page will appear like click on the place shown.
Then the camera will appear like the one shown below. Click on the 3 dot icon in the space.
Then, when the page will appear like the following, click on Lens Blur.
Then a page will appear there by NEXT. Then the page will appear in the next, NEXT.
Then click on OK, GOT IT, in the place where the page will appear.
Now, the camera will be ready to take pictures now. On the cameras, this app will give some guidance on how to pick up the pikata and how to do it. In the same way you have to do. Take a picture in the beginning. Then pick up the phone. Then, after checking it, it will be ok to take the picture. Then immediately take a look at the camera from the camera. Wait. Now wait for the picture to be like DSLR.
The camera picker on my phoneI can not pick up a pickup so beautiful that I have shown you. You can pick a better pick from me.
 € œI'm ending up here, stay good with everyone and stay with {technicalhridoy} to get the latest new tricks and tips.
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