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Recently Nokia unveiled market safety report.Almost 60% of mobile
devices infected with viruses in the world runs the Android operating
system.The study also shows that on average of 0.94% of all Android
devices are infected with viruses every month.
Nokia: Android Is The Most Vulnerable Platform
The study was actually conducted by
NetGuard, which is owned by Nokia. Nokia also states that the overall infection
rate for all devices was 0.68% and Windows devices which are using dongles or
tethered connections from mobile phones have recorded the infection rate of
Kevin McNamme, Director of Nokia’s
Alcatel-Lucent Kindsight Security Labs told ZDNet in an interview “The Android
platform is the most highly targeted by cybercriminals. Google has done an
excellent job with Google Play Protect and they’re really securing the app
infrastructure for the Android devices.”
“The main threat vector for Android
phones is trojanised apps. In the Android space, Google has tried to address
this by doing a good job securing Google Play,”
There are some other major reasons
why Android had scored such bad points, the existence of third-party app store
also plays a key role in infecting devices. There are lots of third-party app
stores out there that pushes malware and viruses into the Android devices.
Google is also struggling to put on
enough security measures to avoid malware or viruses from entering into the
Play Store. Google just unveiled Play Protect Security services which added a
robust security firewall in the Google Play Store.
So, what do you think about this?
Share your views in the comment box below.
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